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In the final days of the campaigns for and against
independence before the vote, politicians and journalists have given most of
their attention to the big economic, business and constitutional issues. At the
Centre for Government and Leadership, our role is to think about public
services and public management. This short guide picks out some of the main
things that managers of public services both north and south of the border need
to think about.
Of course, if the
people of Scotland do vote for independence, years of negotiation will follow.
In that time, everything I talk about here will be raked over. Nothing is
certain now. Much would change very quickly after a “yes” vote. So I make no
apology for speculating. At this stage, everyone has to. The question is not
whether to speculate, but how to speculate thoughtfully.
The guide is
organised straightforwardly. First, I look at the implications of a “no” vote.
Under that heading, the consequences for their counterparts in England, Wales
and Northern Ireland are considered first, before turning to impacts on the
work of public managers in Scotland. Then the guide addresses the likely
effects of a “yes” vote. Again, implications for public services the rest of
the UK are considered first, before examining the consequences for Scotland.
The conclusion considers the time horizon over which the effects might be felt.
This way of
organising the issues means that the guide begins with some of the mildest
effects but moves steadily toward some of the more dramatic ones.
This guide
focuses on issues that have been largely neglected in the mainstream broadsheet
press. It is devoted entirely implications for public managers. Therefore, it
says nothing about party politics or about constitutional issues except as they
affect the financing and redesign of public services.
If there is a “no”
vote... Implications for public managers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
For the most part, in the short run, a “no” vote in Scotland
means “business as usual” for public services in the rest of the UK. There
would be no immediate and direct consequences for their financing or
organisation. But there will be indirect and longer term implications.
What will surely
change, as a result of the referendum campaign and reinforced by the prospect
of a second referendum in a few years’ time, will be the politics of spending
on the public services in England. And public managers will have to think about
how to respond to changes in English citizens’ expectations. The September 2014
Scottish referendum has concentrated minds in England as well as in Scotland.
Drawing comparisons between the situation in England and the free social care,
free prescriptions, cheaper university fees as well as the higher levels of
spending on other services and the additional costs which may be attributed to
this in Barnett formula money are now regularly the subject of tabloid
newspaper articles and broadcast discussion, and not just expert financial
analysis by the Institute for Fiscal Studies
After a “no” vote
in Scotland followed by “devo max”, but in the very tight UK-wide fiscal
conditions expected if a 2010 budget surplus is to be achieved on current projections,
a current of English sentiment and debate is sure to grow, examining English
willingness to continue the fiscal pooling with Scotland which would continue,
even with reduced “Barnett formula” payments.
Several party
leaders have floated the suggestion that there would be further devolution,
presumably including some degree of fiscal devolution within England. That
might not take the form of regional assemblies, in the way envisaged by the
1997 Labour government, which found its plan rejected in a referendum in the
north east. Because thinking in the last decade about economic development has
concentrated on the city region, it seems more likely that any form of fiscal
devolution within England might work with the Local Enterprise Partnerships, or
perhaps the City Deal areas. Already, many of these span several neighbouring local authorities working together.
If there is a “no”
vote... Implications for public managers in Scotland
In the event that Scots vote to remain in the union, the
three unionist parties – Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrats – have
committed themselves to offering the Scottish parliament some additional
powers, although they continue to differ on exactly what they would offer.
Any devolution
package would give Scotland additional powers over some taxes. Perhaps
surprisingly, the Conservatives are offering full control over income tax.
The Liberal Democrats would devolve powers over inheritance, capital gains and
part of corporation tax.
Either plan would allow Scotland, still within the union, in theory, to cut
taxes if the Scottish parliament thought this might help competition with the
rest of the UK. Labour’s offering is narrower, and provides less scope for tax competition. At least in the
short run, tax cuts mean reduced revenues, and therefore less to spend on
public services. That would worry many managers of Scottish public services.
Nor would it be very popular, after the way that the debate in Scotland has
gone during the referendum campaign about the importance of continuing and
protecting services such as the National Health Service.
Money paid to
Scotland from taxpayers in the rest of the UK under the so-called “Barnett
formula” would be reduced, presumably by at least the amount that a Scottish
government increased its own revenues through the taxes it decided to raise.
European Union rules don’t allow member states to vary VAT rates within their
borders, so there is no scope for devolving rate-setting for that tax to
Edinburgh. For these reasons, at least for the next five or six years, it is
more likely that even with further devolution Scotland would keep tax rates
roughly where they are now, or only make small adjustments.
Control of the
£1.7bn housing benefit budget would be devolved under Labour and Conservative
plans but not on Liberal Democrat ones. Quite what the Scottish parliament
would do with the powers can’t be predicted. But local authority managers in
Scotland will presumably be preparing ideas for new schemes to use the money
differently from the design of present UK scheme. After a “no” vote in
Scotland, there would be no greater pressure on this budget than there is going
to be in any case for England and Wales. For everyone expects a tight period of
public spending until 2020 or so when, if Treasury and Office for Budget
Responsibility projections turn out to be right, the UK public sector as a
whole might return to a small budget surplus. But Scotland’s general fiscal
situation under “devo max” is unlikely to allow the Edinburgh parliament hugely
to increase housing benefit spending. More likely, public managers in Scotland
would make the case for combining with other benefits in the hope eventually of
saving administrative costs (that said, the English experience with Universal
Credit has been less than happy).
For managers of
Scottish public services after a “no” vote, then, “devo max” is unlikely to
mean much more or much less money overall. What it may mean is slightly more
scope for Scottish public managers who are trying to put proposals to Scottish
politicians on how to divide a cake of slightly more or slightly less the same
size than it would have been had the existing devolution settlement continued.
After a “no”
vote, the much bigger challenges for public managers in Scotland will be ones
of responding the expectations raised during the referendum campaign among
citizens about the quality of services, but within budget limits that will only
be marginally changed from what they would have been in any case.
Like their
English and Welsh counterparts, Scottish local authorities can borrow for
capital investment but under a “prudential” regime. Because of the uncertainty
about what currency loans would be repaid in, after a second referendum, they
might face higher borrowing costs than their English counterparts, unless they
agree to pool all their borrowing through the UK government debt office (which
can borrow more cheaply). That’s something still open to them after a “no”
vote, of course. But a Scottish government facing public expectations for
greater control over the national destiny raised during the referendum campaign
might not be keen to encourage councils in Scotland to borrow through London.
So the costs of servicing local government debt might rise.
None of the
unionist parties is offering a devolution scheme which would give Edinburgh
powers to issue its own public debt, because within the UK, the markets would
presume that the UK government and therefore the taxpayers of the whole of the
UK would ultimately stand behind any public sector debt. Scottish control of
its own debt is something that is presumed, in the present debate, only to make
sense only for an independent Scotland. A “no” vote means that, with changes at
the margin, Scotland remains within the UK fiscal system.
But the story
doesn’t end there. Scottish public managers must think about how, after a “no”
vote, the markets will look at special capital vehicles such as Public Finance
Initiative schemes for road or rail infrastructure or hospitals or big Scottish
government IT projects. The prospect of a second referendum and the serious
possibility of a change of currency before the capital and interest were
repaid, will push up the cost of finance for these special debt vehicles.
So is that all?
Well, no, not entirely. At the time of writing, any “no” vote seems sure to be
close. When next a Scottish National Party government in Holyrood felt it realistically
could and in any case in only a few years’ time, it might be tempted to run
another referendum on independence. Although the current SNP leader Mr Salmond
has said that the September 2014 would be regarded as settling the question for
a generation, future leaders of his party may not feel bound by his pledge.
Most likely any scheme put forward on a second referendum would be
significantly different from that offered in 2014. The plan for the currency,
for example, as well as for relations with the European Union and NATO, would
be very different. The expectation of a second referendum would itself have
implications for the public services in Scotland, even with the additional
“devo max” powers over tax rates and benefit budgets.
If there is a “yes” vote... Implications for public managers in the rest of the UK
Public managers in England, Wales or Northern Ireland appreciate
that a vote for independence in Scotland will have immediate implications for
them too. Few consequences can be predicted precisely yet, because after a
“yes” vote we must await the negotiations between the Westminster and Edinburgh
governments. But managers of many public services south of the border will be
making contingency plans, preparing briefings for their Whitehall departments
on issues that will need to be addressed in the negotiations, and dealing with
the adverse ways in which it is already clear that the markets will react to a
“yes” vote.
I shall not add
to the already extensive commentary in the press about the challenges and
difficulties of splitting the armed forces, setting up a Scottish central bank
and immigration and security services and a foreign ministry with embassies,
agreeing the exact sea borders, negotiating whether physical passport and
customs controls at border crossings must be set up or whether Scotland will
continue in the Common Travel Area, negotiating the shares of UK gold reserves,
agreeing terms for whatever it is to be done with the Trident submarine base,
the exact role of the monarch in the independent Scottish state and
relationship with its new parliament, the difficulties for the Financial
Conduct Authority in regulating and overseeing financial services some of which
may move their registration to London and some of which may not, and the
increased likelihood of the remaining UK voting in a referendum to leave the
European Union. Here I concentrate on issues for public services that have not
been examined in the mainstream media.
UK public services generally
The day-to-day work of many public services in the remaining
countries of the UK will change quickly after a “no” vote.
After a “yes”
vote, UK government bond yields will be forced up. Indeed, the markets are
already beginning to price this effect into their calculations, and the international
financial authorities are warning about it. Therefore, the costs to the public
sector of borrowing will rise. For that reason, the UK’s capital investment
programmes will come under growing pressure. The coalition government’s public
expenditure plans for the 2015-2020 parliament already assume very deep cuts in
central government department spending. Rising debt servicing costs will make
these spending cuts unavoidable even if Labour were to be elected to govern in
the UK in the 2015 general election. The difficulties for the UK public
finances will only be exacerbated by the likelihood that after a “yes” vote, if
economic growth in the UK falls. For reduced growth or even an end to the recovery will mean that tax revenues
will be lower than they would otherwise have been, even if actual recession is
avoided. The UK will take much longer than it otherwise would have done to
recover its lost triple-A credit rating. Further quantitative easing cannot be
ruled out. Interest rates will surely remain low for longer than they otherwise
would, with further distorting effects on household savings. For all the UK
public services, then, we can expect continuing and perhaps even deeper
austerity until 2020.
government in Scotland has said that if, after a “yes” vote, the UK does not
agree to a currency union, Scotland would refuse to accept any share of UK
public sector debt. It has been widely estimated that in the event that
England, Wales and Northern Ireland had to bear sole responsibility for the
accumulated UK net public sector debt alone, it might represent 86% rather than
77% of their GDP. If UK growth fell after a “yes” vote, the proportion might be
even higher. That would certainly force up the cost of UK government borrowing,
and increase the pressure for even deeper spending cuts than are already assumed
in the coalition government’s projections.
For many public
managers in the UK without Scotland, however, there will be another very big
economic issue for their organisations’ strategies. Without revenues from the
international sale of oil which will then move to Scotland’s account, the UK’s
already enfeebled trade deficit and balance of payments deficit will become
very serious indeed. The BBC’s Economics Editor, Robert Peston, has published a
rough calculation that it might rise to as much as 7%, even when taking into
account the offsetting benefits of any relocation of financial services from
Scotland to England. A trade
deficit of 7% could be enough to create risks of a run on sterling. In that
context, local and regional economic development would become an even greater
priority for public managers than it already is, but even more important,
economic development work for public authorities would be focused immediately
on attracting and enabling the development and growth of firms in the UK which
can sustain high levels of exports. Because the newly independent Scotland will
be doing exactly the same thing, “arms race” competition will grow fierce
especially between cities north and south of the border to attract foreign
direct investment. Those public managers whose CVs appear to promise skills and
connections in this area might attract premium salaries.
The press has
already devoted many pages to the anxieties on the Clyde that firms based there
would find it much harder to secure contracts with the UK Ministry of Defence
(MoD) for warships and other military hardware. Once Scotland re-entered the
European Union, competition would be formally open, except for the most
sensitive systems which require great secrecy and for which the MoD has found
ways to ensure procurement within the UK itself. Nonetheless, major defence
contracts are always political sensitive. Moreover, the MoD is certain to be a
much bigger purchaser than a new Scottish Defence Force and defence department.
We can therefore expect MoD managers quietly to find ways to shift procurement
away from Scotland for a variety of systems.
Away from
budgets, finance and procurement, there will be implications for operations in
public services too. After a “yes” vote, the security services will be the
first to react. Responsibility in England and Wales for oversight of threats to
the UK arising in Scotland will presumably transfer from the domestic services
(MI5, in the standard parlance) to the foreign service (conventionally, MI6).
When an independent Scotland begins to change its immigration policy – as it
would be expected to do – toward something more welcoming to immigration and
naturalisation than any of the UK parties will currently accept for the UK, the
UK security services will probably begin to take a greater interest in Scotland
and devote more resources to it, to ensure that they are alerted to any risks
which might quickly move into the UK. This would be true whether or not
Scotland negotiated its continuing membership of the Common Travel Area or
agreed to enter the Schengen system once it secured its membership of the
European Union, or remained formally outside both systems.
Over a longer
period of time, some joint bodies must be created to manage big infrastructure
projects which involve the heartlands of the two countries. For example, at the
point when a serious proposal is put for a new high speed rail line between
London and Edinburgh, or when next a new motorway or tunnel linking the two
countries has to be constructed, joint transport and land use planning
operations will have to be set up, and joint financing systems put in place.
Because there are no such plans at the moment, there will be plenty of time to
negotiate the terms for this kind of initiative.
UK public services in the border regions
A series of new arrangements will have to be negotiated for
the border regions, and ministers in the two capitals will have neither the
time, priority nor expertise to do all the negotiation required. Local
authority chiefs, chief constables, NHS managers and others in the border
regions will at the very least have to do the preparatory negotiations among
themselves across the border to put in place arrangements which can be
entrenched in formal agreements between the two nations, or which ministers can
formally delegate to them.
Some problems and
tasks straddle the border and will need new arrangements. Forestry management,
both drinking and waste water management and other environmental matters will
need new structures for cooperation across an international border that have
simply never been necessary before. Some of these things might eventually need
new cross-border authorities to be set up. But in the meantime, water companies
and OfWat, the Forestry Commission Scotland and its English and Welsh
counterpart which still has some quite important reserved powers that will need
to be devolved and coordinated across the border,
and neighbouring local authorities will have to come to provisional
arrangements which can later be expressed, if necessary, in international
development, especially at the more densely populated western (Solway Firth and
Carlisle) end of the border but also at the Tweedmouth end, will have to be the
subject of a series of coordinated plans to deal with the development of
transport links and other aspects of economic development through the
travel-to-work areas which span the border. This will require local authority
managers and transport managers on both sides of the border to develop plans,
systems of regular consultation, new financial vehicles for joint investment
projects, in ways that can be scrutinised in courts on one or other side of the
border in the event of a dispute, as contract and law laws gradually diverge
still further than they already are under the two countries different legal
systems. There is already a basic legal structure under both countries’ laws
for the joint management of the Solway Firth and its sensitive marine habitat.
The Solway Firth Partnership is still largely a voluntary body. All this may
well have to be recast after a “yes” vote in Scotland and at the very least the
region’s public managers and their lawyers will have to do some work on whether
a new international treaty arrangement will be needed.
For the police,
“hot pursuit” rights across the border will have to be expressed differently in
cooperation agreements once they become a question of going over an international
border. For example, hot pursuit across the border by officers who are armed
may raise very different issues of public acceptability for citizens when
crossing what will be an international border. Intelligence sharing between
forces on either side of the border will become a matter for agreements
supervised by Interpol rather than by the UK government. In the same way,
public health cooperation across the new international border, for example in
infectious disease control, will have to be put on to a new legal basis
eventually but in the interim will probably require new protocols to be agreed
by local authorities and health bodies on each side.
If there is a “yes”
vote... Implications for public managers in Scotland
The mainstream press, and especially the Scottish press, has
exhaustively examined the prospects for an independent Scotland’s public
finances, both with and without a currency union, and I shall not try to add to
that analysis here. I simply make the assumption that after a “yes” vote and
before the completion of negotiations with the UK to launch the independent
state, the markets will begin to price in assumptions about Scotland’s
finances. Shadow credit ratings would quickly be published by the main
agencies. Even in the interim period between the vote and actual independence,
every public authority in Scotland would be making its plans against the
backdrop of the assessments in the markets of the prospects for the country’s
likely currency position, the proportion of UK public sector debt Scotland is
thought likely to accept (or even be regarded as being in “default” upon).
Again, following the publication of research by Professor Iain MacLean of
Oxford University and
by Professor Patrick Dunleavy of the London School of Economics, there is already a wealth of analysis in the public domain about the likely
additional costs to the Scottish government budget of setting up and then
running the new agencies which the independent state will require to take over
functions and powers which have hitherto been reserved to the UK. Here I
confine myself only to pointing out just two issues for the public services in
Scotland during the transition, which have not been given so much attention
south of the border.
Scottish public services management in the transition
Before the negotiations with the UK government are completed
about the currency which Scotland will use, the risk premium which the markets
will want from Scottish public authorities will quickly and significantly
affect their ability to place long term contracts for procurement. The issue
here is not about the cost of borrowing on the capital account but prices for
services purchased routinely through annual expenditure. For prices will not be
affected for most short term contracts. But for contracts expected to last over
a period of years, suppliers will expect to price their offers in ways that
insure them against the currency risk.
In the referendum
debate, Scotland’s politicians have debated at great length whether NHS care will
be better served by independence or continuing membership of the UK. One issue
that has not been given much attention is the fact that in order to bear down
on costs, as well as trying to buy in bulk, the Scottish NHS NationalProcurement agency has to seek to offer long term contracts to, for example, pharmaceutical
companies, medical instrument suppliers, hospital bed suppliers, construction and
IT companies. In the transition period between a “yes” vote and actual
independence, the agency is likely to face quotations with sharply rising
prices as suppliers seek to hedge the risk about which currency they would be
paid in, in the later months or years of any contract.
The same issue
will arise for local authorities and police forces in Scotland placing
contracts for information systems, contact centres or any other services
expected to be required continuously over a period of years.
Perhaps the
Scottish government would ask the UK government for transitional help by way of
some sort of financial guarantee, secured against longer dated future Scottish
tax revenues, to try to persuade suppliers not to price in currency risk in
quotations. However, it is not straightforward to see how ministers in the UK
government would justify this to voters in the rest of the UK, since the
separation process will already be exacerbating expenditure costs and austerity
south of the border as well.
The second issue
will affect Scottish local authorities more than other public services in the
country, but will also affect housing associations. It may also have some small
effects on the benefits bill. It arises in exactly the same way as the problem
of rising supplier prices. For the fear, that long term financial commitments
might be vulnerable if companies cannot be sure of being paid in sterling in
future, will affect households in Scotland too. There have already been reports
that mortgage lenders in Scotland are growing reluctant to offer attractive
rates or low deposit percentages to those house buyers seeking to borrow large
sums for long periods, because they cannot be sure that whatever currency
Scotland eventually uses will not depreciate against the sterling in which the
mortgage would be denominated. If this becomes a significant issue, it could do so quickly, and, of the public
services, it would affect local authorities in Scotland first. Their own
tenants might find it harder to borrow to buy private housing and so free up
public housing stock, which would quickly have implications for length of
waiting lists for local authority tenancies. The same would be true of housing
associations in Scotland.
The problem could
become worse if, despite the relocation of major banks from Scotland to England
in order to benefit from the protection of the Bank of England as lender of
last resort, market confidence were to weaken in the banks which do remain
important players in the Scottish mortgage market. If, as is not impossible,
these currency risk issues come to be seen as worrying in the inter-bank
lending system, then a “mortgage drought” could quickly follow in Scotland.
Indeed, anxieties about banks’ exposure to a Scottish economy, for which the
future currency is unknown and not yet trusted not to depreciate, could affect
bank lending to businesses in Scotland. This in turn would affect the tax
revenues from Scottish business both to the government in Edinburgh and to
local authorities through business (“non-domestic”) rates.
So is it really all
bad news?
Most of the
implications identified here affect the short run.
In the event of a “no” vote, the financial implications on
either side of the border are relatively modest. In that circumstance, the
factor which would affect the financial position of the public sector over a
longer period is the likelihood of a second referendum. For that raises, but
over a longer time scale, all the same anxieties. But it does also allow more
time for the UK and Scottish governments quietly to negotiate conditional agreements
for how they might be handled in the event of a second referendum, before it
would be announced. Moreover, if economic growth continued after a “no” vote,
these issues could be handled much more easily, because the vote itself would
have removed some of the threats to growth and therefore the risks to the cost
of finance and to tax revenues.
Even the implications identified here from a “yes” vote need
not be catastrophic for the long term. Nothing argued here suggests that
somehow an independent Scotland is “not viable”. If an independent Scotland can
achieve early and rapid economic growth from sectors which are not vulnerable
to firms relocating to England, then the transitional costs would be bearable.
Nonetheless, a host of detailed and practical arrangements must be created in a
hurry. Then for a period of two years to a concluded negotiation enabling the
announcement of the independent state or perhaps (e.g., without a currency
union) five years until the new currency system settles down and the markets
have priced its risks into the costs of finance and into premia on supply
contracts, the transition will be a costly one for the public services.
Austerity will continue and have to be deeper than it otherwise would have
been. The main long term implication of a “yes” vote for public authorities on
both sides of the border will the need, arising from both countries trade
deficit problems, to make a major priority of economic development of that kind
which is focused to attracting and developing export-intensive companies. This
will be “arms race” competition in which both countries’ public authorities
will spend more to attract the companies they are able to.
Beyond public financial management, there may be some medium
term but intangible benefits for public management of the referendum process,
irrespective of the outcome. Public authorities facing this kind of uncertainty
will have to seek to hire managers with greater skills in medium-term strategy.
Senior public managers will have to develop strategies which can be sustained
through a period of great volatility. More emphasis upon strategic capability
for the public services may also attract talent into public management, which
should have medium term benefits.
The referendum has engaged citizens in Scotland in perhaps the
most informed, lively and thoughtful debates about the public services that has
taken place since the 1975 referendum on EU membership or even the 1945 general
election with its debates about the Beveridge plan for what were then called
the social services. In the aftermath of the election result, it is likely that
a similarly lively public debate among citizens will develop in England, Wales
and Northern Ireland about the financing and design of public services. This
can only be beneficial for the quality of democratic debate in the whole of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland, whether they remain together or separate.
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