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political result of the Scottish referendum – the preservation of the Union
combined with a commitment by the UK political class to devolve further powers
to Scotland – has naturally led to most instant commentary being focused on the
political and, more specifically, constitutional consequences. By contrast, the economic results will have
difficulty competing for the attention they deserve – especially what looks
likely to be the most tangible economic result: higher taxes in Scotland. This
change holds out the interesting prospect of increased competition within the
UK as regards the balance between the tax burden and the quality of public
likelihood of higher taxes in Scotland is clear from a straightforward analysis
of the referendum campaign and result. The ‘Yes’ platform was overtly
redistributionist. It depicted union with England as binding Scotland into
fiscal restraints that reflected the preferences of the UK political class
(especially as represented by the Conservative Party that is the dominant
partner in the present UK coalition government) rather than the choices and
needs of the Scottish people. The electorate clearly got that message. An
analysis of voting patterns in the referendum shows that the ‘Yes’ vote was
higher in areas where there were proportionally more voters with the greatest
dependency on the welfare state – such as the unemployed and recipients of
disability benefits. Against this
background, and on the safe assumption that the promised further instalment of
devolution will focus on tax raising powers, it follows that future elections
to the Scottish parliament are likely to be won on platforms of higher marginal
taxation to finance increased public spending.
least, that must be the outlook for two or three political cycles, after which
it will become clear whether there is any backlash among Scottish voters
against higher personal taxation or, if Scottish governments have had both the
power and the wish to hike payroll taxation, against the higher unemployment
that so often results from any such increases in the tax burden on labour. The
outcome will hinge on the public tolerance for higher taxes and on the
effectiveness of the Scottish government in delivering commensurate
improvements in public services.
and societies differ quite widely as regards their internal consensus on the
optimal balance between taxation and public services – or, put another way,
between the maintenance of individual incentives that lie at the heart of
wealth creation and distributive justice (the collective sharing of wealth for
the sake of fairness and a cohesive national community). Scandinavian countries
are the best known example of societies that support high progressive taxation
in return for enhanced collective provision of public goods. This model results
in more equal living standards across the society than in countries like the US
whose culture is less favourable to wealth distribution and collective welfare
provision relative to support for individual striving and aspiration.
It seems
likely that Scottish national culture leans more closely towards the
Scandinavian model than England. But the more important point is that
regardless of whether public tolerance for higher taxation is greater in
Scotland than in England, no such tolerance will be limitless; and once the
limit is breached, the negative effects of increased taxes – distorted
incentives, tax evasion, a brain and wealth drain – will start to make
themselves felt. The classic economic
measurement of this limit is the Laffer curve, which plots the relationship between the
burden and the proceeds of taxation. Once a country reaches the top of that
curve, higher taxes fail to raise more revenues and only manage to impede
Successful Scandinavian-style models avoid reaching the
top of the curve because the higher quality public services financed by higher
taxation – such as improved outcomes in public health and education and skills
– generate productivity gains hence incremental economic growth that allows
such good public services to be financed sustainably without further increases
in tax rates. In short, an equilibrium is reached at high tax levels matched by
enhanced provision of public goods and services.
interesting attempt to compare where Western countries stand on the Laffer
curve was made in research on the behaviour of US and European firms and
households by Mathias Trabandt and Harald Uhlig "How far are we from the
slippery slope? The Laffer curve revisited." published in the
National Bureau of economic Research Working Paper Series in 2009. They
calculated tax rates from 1995 to 2007 assuming fixed productivity growth and
no labour mobility between the US and the EU and found that the US could
increase tax revenues by 30 percent by raising labour taxes and 6 percent by
raising taxes on income and capital, while the equivalent scope for hiking tax
rates without losing revenue in the fourteen EU countries studied were 8 per
cent and 1 per cent respectively. As regards the EU, considerable variations were
observed between countries. For instance, the UK could raise labour taxes by 17
percent while France only by 5 per cent, Italy by 4 per cent and Belgium by 3
per cent. The results for taxes on income and capital were that only 1
additional percent could be raised in the group of EU countries as a whole, and
0 percent in France, Italy and Belgium.
and logically – given for instance the persistence of high unemployment in
France since the 1970s – the model found that for the US 32 per cent of a
labour tax cut and 51 per cent of a capital tax cut would be self-financing
while the equivalent figures for the EU countries were 54 per cent and 79 per
cent respectively, rising in the case of France to 62 per cent and 88 per cent.
that for the purposes of this study, the authors had to assume constant labour
mobility. In practice, however, where mobility is easy not only in the legal
sense but also – as between England and Scotland – in geographical, linguistic
and cultural terms, the top of the Laffer curve will be reached more quickly.
Put another way, once the limit of tolerance for higher taxation is reached,
people will leave. Even within the preserved union, therefore, future
redistributionist Scottish governments will have to deliver tangible
improvements in public sector efficiency in return for levying higher taxes or
risk large-scale migration of Scottish residents south of the border.
future Scottish governments fail to meet this challenge, English tax revenues would
get a demographic boost and the tax base in Scotland would be eroded. And,
since more such internal UK migrants from Scotland to England would tend to be
in employment rather than welfare recipients, the result would be to allow higher
funding for public services and welfare in England without increasing taxation.
if public goods in Scotland became demonstrably superior – as seen, for
example, in educational attainments and survival rates from cancer and
degenerative diseases – this successful “Scandinavian” model would attract
internal UK immigrants from England.
short, the Scottish referendum has teed up an interesting competition of
governance within the UK that will play out in the next couple of decades.
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